Ailurophile, a lover of cats
Cat ownership has many physical benefits for humans, including lowering our risk of stroke and heart attack, but felines can also have a positive effect on our mental health. In fact, a study of 200 couples found that cats were more capable than spouses at alleviating negative moods.
Our attachment to cats seems to go even deeper. People ascribe the same personality traits to cats that psychologists use to definite human personality: directing one’s interest outward,neuroticism, agreeableness and openness.
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Fly Fishing Central Florida's Freshwater is the guide I wish I had when I moved to central Florida several years ago. Living in central Florida between two great saltwater fisheries...
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is only $2 Born from a pedigree of performance and style, the Inception is a feature packed reel capable of meeting the needs of the touring pro or the...
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is only $2 Born from a pedigree of performance and style, the Inception is a feature packed reel capable of meeting the needs of the touring pro or the...