Andy Thornal Company Custom Waterproof Fly Boxes, from shirt pocket size to boat boxes. Two sided with clear Lexan© covers make it easy to see your flies. Construction is very durable. Positive snap latches let you know that the box is closed, no question. This box is available is several sizes.
SMALL - 1½"H x 5"L x 4"W - This box is ideal for nymphs and dry flies. There are 200 slits in the foam for flies sized 10 to 22. This box fits in classic vest pockets as well as a shirt pocket. It will even fit into a loose pants pocket! Goes most anywhere.
For anglers who prefer the traditional self-contained feel of a well-stocked fly-fishing vest, the Clearwater Mesh Vest offers modern, lightweight construction and subtle, but significant convenience features at a remarkably...
Some get it done with a drag system, but some prefer to put a running fish in the palm of their hand—exactly why we’ll always offer click-and-pawl fly reels like...
AMPLITUDE SMOOTH REDFISH WARM The Amplitude Smooth series of lines are, simply put, the highest-performance smooth fly lines in the world. With up to five times less drag and eight...